
THack Mallorca – Toursim Hackathon

The UIB has gathered more than a hundred of developers from all Europe to find solutions for the touristic sector. THack Mallorca is a hackathon for professional developers and students that was held on days 6, 7 and 8 of May. You can find more information in the following links: Diari de la UIB Interview […]

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An Augmented Reality and 360-degree Video System to Access Audiovisual Content through Mobile Devices for Touristic Applications

In the recent years, consumption and usage of multimedia content has shifted to handheld devices, especially with the introduction of second screen applications. In this paper we address the situation of delivering multimedia information to users using modern and novel techniques to attract their attention in environments like fairs, parties or showrooms in an entertaining […]

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Project Ojo mágico at the ITB

In collaboration with the Tourism Agency of Balears, ATB, we created an interactive turistic video application, that was showcased in the International Tourism Fair of Berlin, ITB. The visitors had to browse to a website, make a photo to any picture of the wall and a video of that location would play on their devices. […]

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360º videos at the FITUR

In collaboration with the Tourism Agency of Balears, ATB, we created an interactive turistic video application, that was showcased in the International Tourism Fair of Spain, FITUR. The visitors had to browse to a website and select one of the islands: Mallorca, Menorca or Formentera. Then, they could select a 360º video of that island […]

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