Automatic collection of user behavior in 360° multimedia
- Post by: LTIM
- 13 December 2017
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The arrival of 360 degree video to the everyday life creates the necessity of assessing both the audiovisual production and the playback environment offered to the final user. Leveraging the standard Experience API (xAPI), that considers collecting micro-interactions with e-learning content, we propose a platform to automatically collect the users’ interaction with applications based on interactive 360 degree multimedia. To validate the platform, we introduce an example of educational activities based on interactive 360º videos and the tools used to first, annotate these videos and convert them into interactive activities; second, to perform said activity and collect the users’ behavior via xAPI statements; and finally, to convert these statements to meaningful information in the form of user metrics and charts, both at individual level and also aggregated by activity, creating the possibility of finding singular and group behavior. This work concludes that the presented platform helps to analyze how users behave with omnidirectional interactive productions, with the aim of validating and improving its usability, ending with the discussion of future work ideas.
This article has been published in Mutimedia Tools and Applications. It explores how to automatically collect the user behavior while they are experiencing 360º multimedia. We propose a platform using the Experience API (xAPI).